All we do is rate and share share jokes on our “secret app”! Watch this!...
Who Else Wants FREE Money?
Our First 101 Buyers Are Guaranteed A $5.00 Free Cash Bonus Deposited
Into Their "Laugh Banks" To Kick Things Off (Inside The App!)
All we do is rate and share share jokes on our “secret app”! Watch this!...
Our First 101 Buyers Are Guaranteed A $5.00 Free Cash Bonus Deposited
Into Their "Laugh Banks" To Kick Things Off (Inside The App!)
Finally A Way To Have FUN And Bank BIG Online Without An "Online Business"...
We Laugh And Bank Up To $320+ A POP Every Time The "Money Bell" Rings...
We Have A BLAST While Supplementing A $10K+ Weekly Income...
We Get Guaranteed Cash Payouts With Just 1 Joke Or Funny Video Link Shared Daily...
We Bank Hands-Free Income As We Get 1000’s Of Ratings On The Funny Stuff We Share
We Collect Both Instant And Passive/Residual Commissions
We Collect REAL Autopilot Commissions While Away From The App...
There’s NO Traffic, Selling, Or Promoting Needed...
There’s NO Set Up Needed...
There’s NO Social Media Needed...
This Is Simple Enough For 7 To 70 Year-Olds With ZERO Experience...
You’re Protected By An Invincible Money Back Guarantee + A $500 Bonus...
Before you text that next funny video or joke to friends or family...
...why not get PAID for sharing it thru the ingenious new Laugh & Bank app?
We’re using Laugh & Bank to easily make up to $764.25+ every single day..
..and having a blast while supplementing the huge online income you see here in
just a few mins per day...
(People All Over The World Are Flooding In - Anybody Can Do This!)
We Crack Open The Laugh & Bank App!
(Grab your Copy Before The 60 Minute Price-Jump!)
We Have Fun Rating And Sharing Vids & Jokes.....
(Just 1 Joke Or Video Link Daily Is MONEY!)
...We Then Relax And Collect Daily Commissions On Autopilot For Every 1-Click "Funny" Rating We Get!
(How many 1000’s of funny ratings will your favorite funny videos and jokes get?)
..I told ya it was fun! But don’t take my word for it..
We’ve got something better than ANY so-called "beta test" on the planet to show you:
We coded and launched a predecessor (previous app) to Laugh & Bank using the same FORCED income model...
...and literally 100% of our participants are making commissions with the app.
(The only people who don’t make money are those who strangely never log in to activate their earnings!)
Here’s just a snippet of our 100’s of real users making real money with us daily:
Showing real, verfiable account thumbnails used by our app users!
As successful as our predecessor app has been with its 100% earn rate, Laugh & Bank makes it look like child’s-play by comparison...
Kinda like comparing the latest iPhone to the very first model...
Laugh & Bank is in an income generating class all its own...
Listen, we’re not in the miracle business:
If we were to never log in to the Laugh & Bank app, we’d obviously make jack squat. Zip. Nada. Zilch.
On the other hand, we’re guaranteed commissions as long as we log in now and then to participate.
Again, just 1 shared funny vid or "joke of the day" is all it takes to guarantee a healthy injection of easy cash...
...and all it takes takes for YOU to supplement and scale your online income - exactly like we’re doing:
And It All Culminates In...
Date: March 25, 2025
From The Desk Of:
RE: Laughing my way to $764.25+ daily with the new Laugh & Bank app!
It’s 2022, and if you’re not having FUN making money online by now...
...something is seriously wrong.
We’re living in a world of self driving cars, artificial intelligence, and robots that can do back flips.
...And thanks to much the same technology...
...we’re ALSO living in a world where countless people are now collecting $1000’s per day online with:
...and ultimately, with NO online business at all..
Let’s face it.
Only the fewest of the few can push through and do something BORING to make their own money.
And it’s all b’cuz boredom destroys motivation.
So the odds are HUGELY against you succeeding if you’re faced with never-ending online chores like these that suck the joy out of you:
...Yawn. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
The incredible new app I’m about to officially unveil requires none of the above.
And better yet - its easily the most fun & addicting income generating app we’ve EVER released.
Scammers will always be lurking.
But lately things have been worse than ever.
People are scared about:
So they’re desperate to make money FAST.
But that’s no excuse, and we’re living proof there are easy ways to make fast money online without being slime buckets.
Here are the current top scams to BEWARE OF:
I’d happily hand you $10K if you can find another app like this one - b’cuz there’s NOTHING like it.
Me and my team poured our 40+ years combined experience into developing an income app + opp that’ll finally help you get EVEN.
Get even with WHO, you ask? ...Well how ‘bout:
We’ve engineered the one-and-only app guaranteed to have you laughing all the way to the bank, and the "payback" is gonna be SWEET...
If you’re looking for your typical boring "online business" app, sorry, you’re on the wrong page.
In fact, this isn’t an online business at all.
In a nutshell, Laugh & Bank is an extremely fun and addicting web-based app we use to bank as much as $764.25+ daily...
...simply by rating and sharing funny jokes and YouTube vids directly thru the app...
...and getting paid every time somebody clicks to rate our submissions "FUNNY":
And the coolest part, in my opinion?
We accumulate commissions while AWAY from the app doing other things.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Our ingenious zero traffic model makes Laugh & Bank the exact opposite of virtually ALL other income apps...
Finally an app that lines our pockets without having to get traffic.
That’s right!
There’s NO free traffic required. NO paid traffic required. NO traffic required at all.
Heck, we could be living under a rock having never heard of "social media" or "online traffic"...
...and still easily cash in with Laugh & Bank - just like everybody else.
Laugh & Bank has NOTHING to do with sharing videos and jokes on Facebook or social media to make money.
All we do is share funny YouTube links or jokes directly inside the app - and it’s the same for everybody.
Just 1 quick funny video link or joke a day shared directly inside L&B = MONEY.
And thank God, cuz aren’t you sick of apps that revolve around social media? (...They never work!)
Who’d have ever guessed we’d be making up to $764.25+ daily online without selling a darn thing?!
Laugh & Bank stuffs our Paypal with commissions with NO selling...
...no promoting, no converting, no op-ins, no downloads...
...absolutely NONE of that stuff.
Money gets automatically deposited into our L&B wallet every time other users 1-click to rate us "FUNNY"...
...So if you’ve never made a "sale" online, it doesn’t matter one tiny bit..
You’re still PERFECT for Laugh & Bank, and Laugh & Bank is still perfect for you.
Laugh & Bank’s behind-the-scenes "income machinery" is VERY high tech...
...and yet using the app is simple enough for a 7 year old.
All you need to know is that Laugh & Bank flat out works like gangbusters.
As long as you can type a joke or copy ‘n paste a funny YouTube link, you’re more than qualified...
..and it does NOT have to be your own joke or video.
The funnier the videos or jokes we share, the MORE we get paid on autopilot when other users give us a "FUNNY" rating...
We do NOT have to be logged into Laugh & Bank to be making money.
We’re usually off havin’ fun with our friends and families while the app makes us money.
But when we ARE logged into the app, the "money bell" rings every time a commission comes in.
Commissions of up to $320+ a pop.
Both one time commissions AND monthly residual commissions...
...enabling us to supplement and grow our hands-free passive income higher and higher...
It’s so fun and addicting!
And again, our Laugh & Bank app account is EXACTLY like the one you’ll receive by quickly ordering now before the price goes up...
Punch in "dad jokes" on Google and there are thousands of them.
Again, all it takes is ONE JOKE a day and we’re making guaranteed money with Laugh & Bank.
If you’ve got a few minutes to copy and paste a good joke or link to a funny video directly inside the app..
..you’ve got all the "technical skills" needed to laugh all the way to the bank with the AMAZING Laugh & Bank.
As incredibly FUN looking as they are, L&B’s "graphics" won’t make you a dime.
Instead, L&B’s million dollar secret is the GENIUS CODING "behind" the graphics...
Our head coder is a 4.0 brain wizard.. A math and accounting genius...
...and can code circles around guys making all those dime-a-dozen "income apps" that never end up working.
Her code has generated millions and millions of dollars for us and our lucky app users...
Other vendors throw around the phrase, "forced income."
And it’s nothin’ but HYPE.
...But it got us thinking...
What if we could code the Laugh & Bank app to literally FORCE income into our online wallets?
I’ll spare you the tech-talk, but that is exactly what we achieved...
It’s mathematically impossible for us to use Laugh & Bank for a few minutes daily and NOT make money with it.
And it works exactly the same for everybody, which is why people are raving about Laugh & Bank across the web.
Go ahead and experience the thrill for yourself by grabbing it below before our small one time fee goes UP!
The MORE We Get Paid...
Heck, you don’t even have to be funny.
...You just find other people who ARE...
Just find a video or joke that makes you laugh and share it on Laugh & Bank.
The funnier stuff we post = the more "FUNNY" button clicks we get = the more we literally laugh and bank.
...And again, it works the same for everybody...
L & B’s proven income power is nothing new for us...
And not to toot our own horns, but we’ve mastered our craft...
...and we’ve amassed countless 1000’s of testimonials, results, and thrilled end users to show for our hard work.
...We could fill this ENTIRE PAGE with nothing but amazing user results from our apps, but you get the idea...
...and now it’s your turn to experience what 1000’s upon 1000’s of others have experienced...
...by joining Laugh & Bank TODAY.
(People All Over The World Are Flooding In - Anybody Can Do This!)
We Crack Open The Laugh & Bank App!
(Grab your Copy Before The 60 Minute Price-Jump!)
We Have Fun Rating And Sharing Vids & Jokes.....
(Just 1 Joke Or Video Link Daily Is MONEY!)
...We Then Relax And Collect Daily Commissions On Autopilot For Every 1-Click "Funny" Rating We Get!
(How many 1000’s of funny ratings will your favorite funny videos and jokes get?)
..I told ya it was fun! But don’t take my word for it..
Anytime We Want More Money,
Everything needed to profit is right inside the app.
Remember, Laugh & Bank is NOT an online business, meaning:
Consider ANY "online marketing" app you’ve purchased...
They virtually ALL focused around "doing business online."
L&B is the exact opposite:
Users can supplement an online income like ours, while being 100% FREE of all the hassles and expenses that go into running an online biz...
Laugh & Bank is the perfect - and perfectly FUN - way to make money online...
...even for those with NO experience who have never made a dime online until now.
People from all walks of life - with all sorts of different income needs, wants, and goals - are literally flooding our site to get in...
College students in need of cash
40+ year olds seeking home income
65+ year olds in need of retirement income
Single moms in need of childcare income
Divorced parents in need of money to pay child support
Home owners looking to cover mortgage payments
Car owners looking to pay off a car
Internet marketing hobbyists who wanna make ‘fun money’
Entrepreneurs with a $10K+/month online income goal
...L&B is ready and waiting for you.
Simply click the ADD TO CART button directly below for instant access, even if it’s 2 am...
We have a blast using Laugh & Bank!
But just several minutes ON the app enables us to unlock fun APART from the app as well...
...because L&B enables us to supplement and support the overall lifestyle of our dreams.
When you boil things down, it’s NOT about the money itself.
It’s about the freedom and life of FUN that the money instantly unlocks..
And with that in mind, I’d like you to meet me, my wife Jess, and our 3 daughters - doing what we love!...
...but we weren’t always as happy and FREE as we are now...
As the team leader and CEO of Laugh & Bank, I can relate to the situation you might be in.
I come from a humble past.
For the longest time I drove a beat up old van living paycheck to paycheck.
I worked in a factory where I sorted wood for 10 hours a day and came home with splintered hands.
And I’ve been laid off with a wife and daughters to support.
And I guess that’s why I’m so passionate about helping YOU...
...I’ve seen first hand how life changing a simple Internet connection and laptop or phone can be...
...and also enabled them to buy their first brand new car ever.
That’s the most rewarding part of making millions online - the ability to help others.
And Laugh & Bank is the BEST way I know how to help YOU out, too.
..And it just keeps gettin’ better..
Check THIS out:
We’re not going to insult your intelligence by offering worthless bonuses with laughably-inflated values.
You neverrrrrr have to refer a single soul to make money with Laugh & Bank,L but for those who wanna:
Ordering today - right now - will guarantee your instant approval in our optional Laugh & Bank Private Referral Program (PRP).
This opportunity is for our L&B app users only...
...and unlike our public affiliate program, it pays passive residual commissions of up to $1000’s per referral!
Our private referral programs have paid out as much as $100,000+ per year to individual participants...
..so in reality, the value of our super bonus is UNLIMITED.
"You neverrrrrr have to refer a single soul to make money with Laugh & Bank, but you just might want to..."
(...But you will!)
We offer a full 14 day no-questions-asked money back guarantee from your date of purchase.
We also offer an extended 365 money back guarantee related to any technical issues with the app that we cannot quickly fix.
And to top things off we offer a $500 cash back bonus ON TOP OF your refund if L&B doesn’t work EXACTLY as we’ve promised.
You could also go "over our heads" straight to PayPal to get your money back if all else were to fail - but it won’t.
What this means is that you have QUADRUPLE risk-free coverage:
So your ONLY risk here is everything you stand to LOSE by not taking action now...
It wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t give you a final warning regarding our price booster...
It runs on autopilot and auto-boosts the price of L&B every 60 minutes.
I could be somewhere lost in the woods and the price would still go up on its own.
So the early bird gets the worm...
Be sure to grab your copy of Laugh & Bank right now before the price goes up!
We oughta be charging $100’s for Laugh & Bank access considering we’re using it to easily supplement and scale a
$10-$20K weekly income:
...and considering it works the SAME for everybody.
And indeed we WILL be doing so.
After launch, L&B goes to $29.95 per month - meaning you’ll pay $100’s per year IF you hold off.
So now...as in right here and now...is PRIME TIME to lock in L&B for a small one time fee.
One. And. DONE!
Click our friendly Add To Cart button below to lock in now:
Our mission with Laugh & Bank from the start was to create a FUN way to make up to $764.25+ per day online...
...and do so without an "online business," per se.
And in that same spirit, we thinking ORDERING should be an easy choice as well.
And so, DESPITE its income generating power, we’re currently giving away full access to L&B for the price of 1 large pizza.
And most of us don’t consider ordering a PIZZA a "do or die" decision, am I right?
Plus - no matter how cheesy the pizza or perfect the crust, it’ll stuff your belly but NEVER your Paypal account...
Click below to grab Laugh & Bank and let’s have some fun TOGETHER!
But it’s yours right now for a fee so small you’ll thank your lucky stars...
This is normally where you’d be told about how you have to build an email list...
Or install Wordpress...
Or connect a bunch of social media accounts...
Or watch hours of training, etc etc...
But since Laugh & Bank is NOT an "online business," it requires none of those hassles...
You simply log in and start rating jokes and YouTube vids "Funny" or "Not" directly inside the app...
...and submit a joke or vid clip of your own when ready to start getting PAID.
But fair warning - it’s so fun it’s ADDICTING...
You can be off enjoying your day while the app makes you money...
But chances are you won’t be able to help but log in repeatedly to check your latest commissions - and your latest "Funny Rating" too...
So don’t say I didn’t warn ya! ;)
Q. What makes Laugh & Bank unique?
A1. So many things! But here are a couple...
Most apps you’ve purchased up to now are cheap generic copies of private label software - which is why they never work as promised.
Laugh & Bank was conceived of, designed, and coded by my company and our team from scratch...
It took many thousands of dollars and months to develop.
A2. Virtually ALL apps you’ve purchased up to now are "online business" apps...
They require things like getting traffic, software installation, connecting & building social media, web hosting, domains, training - and the list goes on.
L&B is an online income app, but NOT an "online business." So it has NONE of those requirements and is simple enough for a 7 year old to use...
You just log in, rate and share funny videos and jokes directly inside the app, and make unlimited cash.
Q. How long does setup take?
A. 1-2 minutes (virtually instant).
Q. Do I need to provide traffic?
A. None whatsoever. Laugh & Bank is a ZERO traffic system.
Q. Will this work on my device?
A. Yes, L&B is cloud-based and will therefore work on any device with an Internet connection.
Q. Will this work from my country?
A. Absolutely. L&B works worldwide.
Q. How do I get paid?
A. Commissions are paid direct to your Stripe, Cash App, Paypal, WarriorPlus Wallet, JVZoo Wallet, Payoneer - there’s now an EASY option for everybody worldwide.
Copyright 2022 To Present, Laugh&Banks.com All Rights Reserved.